In front of the door, there is the window with two white curtains in chiffon on each side. To the right of the window, there is a big desk, with a bookshelf put on it. Candles, stuffed animals, a stereo system, books, notebooks are on and in this bookshelf. On the wall, there is a modern painting in pink and silver, built with squares. Next to the desk there is a night table with a silver lamp that you need to touch its foot to turn it on or off. Next to it, there is a one-person bed in wood. At the feet of the bed, there is a little bookshelf in wood and wrought iron. In front of this bookshelf, there is another bookshelf, in white wood. On the top of the white bookshelf, there are two brown boxes in fabrics with fabrics inside too. On the following shelf, there are teddy bears. A lot of different stuffed animals are there; a turtle, some bears, some rabbits, and a few dolls. On the next shelf, DVDs are organized. Looking closely, DVDs from the left side are musicals. Under this shelf, there are prizes and ballerina statuettes. The two last shelves are full of books and folders.
The room is white with two horizontal pink lines on the top of the wall. This bedroom is really bright because of the sunlight which comes in. It smells incense, mixing with candle. There is also a smell of perfume, a sweet perfume. This perfume seems to describe the girl whom this room belongs to. It is light, fresh and young, full of energy. There is also a strange smell, hardly to smell, of bleach which is from the swimming pool, just behind the window.
No’ and Lily are lying on the bed, in the same position. No’’s head is at the head of the bed whereas Lily’s head is at the foot of the bed. No’ is using Lily’s computer and Lily is sewing. The two girls are talking like two sisters do. Sometimes, No’ shows something to Lily on the computer and asks her what she thinks about it. Lily does the same thing with her sewing work. This scene looks like usual. The two sisters are used to spending time together. Music is playing from the computer, sometimes cut by the line “Change this song, I don’t like it.”.
Suddenly, the door opens. The two sisters jump from surprise. They look at the door, their little sister is there.
- Where is my Nintendo DS! She screams. Lily and No’ look at each other with a questioning look. They have been in Lily’s room for a couple hours now, they have no idea where it could be.
- Give it back! I know you have it! The little sister still screams. Lily becomes upset and get up.
- Mel’, we don’t have it! So, stop accusing us! And stop yelling! Lily shouts.
- I know you have it! You stole it! I will tell Mom! The little girl starts crying. Lily becomes mad.
- I don’t have it! Neither No’! Lily pushes her little sister out of her room. Get out!!! Lily slams the door in her little sister’s face and comes back on the bed with No’. They hear Mel’ runs in the corridor, crying and yelling for their mother.
Later, Lily and No’ see their little sister, playing quietly with her Nintendo DS in the living room. The two older sisters look at each other, they don’t say anything but don’t think less. Their little sister will never apologize for the previous fight, but the two girls still love their sister and forgave her; she is little.
Written on February 2011, the 23rd
Picture Credits : No', Me and Léa
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