Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two baby elephants

The grass was dancing in the wind, and the smells blended together. The smell of the grass was mixed with the smell of the fruit which was in the orchard. Oranges, apples, peers, all these sweet smells were mixing, almost like a perfume.

In this dancing grass, there were two baby elephants dancing. Their steps seem to carry them. In spite of their weight, they were running as if they were flying. Their grey figures were playing on the top of the hill. They trumped to express their joy. One of them saw a pond of mud. He decided to jump in.

The little elephant became brown instead of his beautiful grey. He began to play in the mud, rolling in the mud. The other elephant, looking at his friend, jumped in the pond of mud too. The elephants splashed each other with mud with their trunk. If an elephant could laugh, it will be possible to hear this two babies laughing again and again. Their laughers could be heard from the other hills around.

One of the baby elephants became petrified when he saw his mom coming. The two baby elephants tried to hide in the mud, in a corner of the pond. They were covered by mud whereas their moms cleaned them couple hours ago.

It was then that the mother elephant jumped in the pond of mud where the two babies were. The baby elephants looked at each other, surprised about what just happen. Their eyes became big because of their surprise. The mother elephant has seen them and trumped to the babies to play with her. They played together and when they get out, everyone took a shower but they didn’t stop playing even in the water.

Written on January 2011, the 24th

Picture Credits : Disney's Winnie the Pooh

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